Making Mini Sketchbooks for myself

Yesterday, I decided to create a mini sketchbook for myself. I ended up with two. I have a 7"x7" spiral-bound sketchbook that I have never been inspired to use. I decided to rip 20 pages out of the old sketchbook and create something useful with them! I gathered all the materials that I would need:

  • One canvas or cloth reusable shopping bag to make the cover

  • One 11x17 cover paper sheet a printer gifted me as a sample for postcards

  • An xActo knife I've had since college

  • a few paper clips

  • One plastic bone folder creaser

  • An awl

  • A regular needle

  • A regular spool of white thread (I thought the waxed thread would be too thick)

  • An HB Pencil and a ruller 

  • An unused sketchbook purchased 9 years ago. The brand is Art Alternatives.

  • A small bottle of Aleene's Clear gel Tacky Glue & one Elmer's Craft Bond Extra Strength glue stick

  1. Fold the paper and create signatures, three sheets per signature. 

  2. Sow up the signatures.

  3. Cut and paste down the cloth of the shopping bag and glue it to the cardboard. The cloth was glued down with a glue stick on the first page of the first signature was glued down to the inside cover with the gel glue, as well as the spine to the cover.

  4. While the glue dried, I left the books on my desk underneath a few heavy books. Meanwhile, I made myself a bbq chicken sandwich for lunch. 

They are slightly different in size, but I do not set out to make them the exact same size.

Alicia Kidd

Artist & Photographer.


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